
5 Must-Listen Podcasts for Addiction Recovery

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Who loves an irresistible podcast? Today is for you! We’re sharing some of the most helpful, inspiring, and interesting podcasts about all things recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Podcasts for addiction recovery don’t have to all sound alike. There’s a wide variety of genres and flavors that can resonate and encourage any individual.
The awesome thing about podcasts is that they range from every topic you can think of. It seems like almost everybody and their best friend has a podcast these days, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There is so much information to share, stories to enjoy, and networking that happens in the realm of podcasts. Grab your headphones and dive in!

Podcasts for Addiction Recovery

Whether you’re a treatment professional, care provider, family member, friend, recovering addict, “sober-curious”, or in the rungs of addiction now, there is a podcast for you. See some of the recommendations below!

Recovery Happy Hour

Tricia Lewis, the host of the Recovery Happy Hour Podcast, is a recovering alcoholic who hid her emotional and physical addiction for many years. Her goal is to now help shed light on unhealthy drinking, mindful addiction recovery, and family dynamics.
Her smoothly-spoken, comforting discussions always involve a handful of scientific research on all things addiction. Her questions hit many of her guests spot-on, many of whom are recovering from addiction or related to an addict themselves.
Recovery Happy Hour focuses on insightful conversations about the brain, mind-body-spirit connection, addiction highs and lows, sobriety tips, and community support. Tricia is even holding retreats for listeners in recovery to gather and share in the community (and individual) healing process.
Start with this episode! Ep. 53 – For The Families (Tom Harrison)

Seltzer Squad: Staying Sober in the City

Two friends Jes and Kate host the Seltzer Squad Podcast with a bold and boisterous bio that clearly exclaims:
“We drink seltzer. We talk shit. We don’t pee on the bed. (Anymore.)”
Ok, if that doesn’t make any city girl want to listen to a podcast, I don’t know what will. This podcast is pure gold, you guys. So funny, yet so incredibly honest and deep. The beautiful thing about this podcast is when you listen to it, you don’t feel like anyone is trying to “fix” you… it simply feels like you’re hanging out with a few strong, relatable female friends. Their stories and guests offer their humor, insight, and sober perspective on life now after quitting alcohol and devoting themselves to sobriety.
This podcast is for anyone looking for a modern, deep-dive “girl talk” vibe on addiction topics. It’s not your regular facts-and-stats podcast, nor is it so fluffy and motivational that you get sick of it quickly.

Start with this episode! Ep. 17 – Haaaaaaalp!

podcasts for addiction recovery

That Sober Guy Podcast

Shane Ramer is exactly what the title says– a sober guy. After 17 years of alcohol and drug addiction he finally got treatment and sobered up in 2013. He started a podcast because he wanted there to be a place where down-to-earth people could come and listen to a regular guy “shoot the shit” about recovery, ridiculous past stories, and helpful wisdom learned throughout recovery.
The Sober Guy Podcast is for anyone who wants a real, relatable conversation on all things addiction and sobriety. His unfiltered, funny, chatting-with-friends style is easy to listen to and will bring you to tears or laugh out loud. If you’re in a 12-step or you identify as someone of faith, you’ll also love this show because Shane openly shares the place God continues to have in his recovery.

Start with this episode! Ep. 271 – Are You Willing, Honest, and Open-Minded?

The Lifestylist Podcast with Luke Storey

Luke Storey runs a more unconventional show that isn’t considered a “sobriety” podcast per se, but pieces of his recovery story definitely get mixed into each episode. He holds thought-provoking discussions with influential guests sharing topics from physical health, biohacking, spiritual seeking, consciousness, and entrepreneurship.
From age 12, Luke lived a cycle of chasing addictions– from heroin to weed to shopping to anything you can think of. His upbringing in LA landed him in a rock n’ roll lifestyle helping design outfits for celebrities and music stars.
After several trips to boarding school and rehab as a teen, he finally hit rock bottom in his 20s. He checked himself into rehab and dove into all things self-development. Now he runs a podcast and business for the slightly “woo woo”, curious minds searching to change their lifestyle for the better.

Start with this episode! Sobriety & Spirituality: Luke on the Expanded Podcast with Lacey Philips

The SHAIR Recovery Podcast 

A popular addiction recovery podcast on iTunes, the SHAIR Podcast is a radio-style pod hosted by Omar Pinto. At age 31, he realized his life of cocaine and alcohol addiction was driving his business and his family away and chose to reach out for help with his addiction. Omar is now a sobriety/lifestyle coach with over ten years of gratitude for being completely drug and alcohol-free.
Omar’s podcast brings conversations to the table with guests of all specialties. Guests range from doctors, sober role models, psychologists, fitness trainers, and friends. His listenable flow of dialogue in each episode brings so much value to anyone who listens.
Start with this episode! Rapid Recovery with Fred Amir: Recovery Plan for Neck & Back Pain
We’d love to hear what your favorite podcasts are on all things sobriety and addiction recovery. Let us know what we need to listen to next by commenting on your recommendations below!
And remember, if you or anyone you care about is facing the downward spiral of addiction right now, call out for help. 

Contact us at Opus Health today if you need help finding treatment for addiction:

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