Transformative 12 Steps Program

The twelve-step program, aimed at aiding individuals overcome addiction and compulsive behaviors, incorporates principles and spiritual values for recovery. Opus Health encourages joining a 12-step Program or support group, vital for those facing alcoholism, drug use, or other addictions, recognizing it as transformative in the recovery journey. Originated by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), this method is adapted for various addictions, beginning with residential treatment.

At Opus Health, we ensure equal care and non-judgment, acknowledging that not everyone aligns with the program’s spiritual basis. Although not compulsory, the 12-step model is highly recommended for fostering accountability, empathy, and trust among participants, crucial elements for adequate recovery. This inclusive approach underscores the center’s commitment to comprehensive treatment and support for every patient.

The 12 Steps Explained

The 12 Steps, initially developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), serve as a blueprint for personal recovery from addiction, offering a structured path that focuses on dealing with the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of recovery. This holistic approach does not solely focus on abstaining from addictive substances but also emphasizes personal growth, spiritual development, and a commitment to helping others. By targeting the physical, mental, and spiritual affairs, the 12 Steps offer a comprehensive framework for recovery, aiming for a balanced and fulfilling life free from addiction. Here is a concise explanation of each step and its purpose:

Admitting Powerlessness

Acknowledges the inability to control addiction, laying the foundation for recovery by recognizing the problem.

Belief in a Higher Power

Introduces the concept that a power greater than oneself can restore sanity, incorporating spirituality into recovery.

Decision to Turn Our Will Over

Involves a commitment to put one’s life and will into the care of this higher power, emphasizing surrender and faith.

Moral Inventory

Encouraging oneself to take an honest self-assessment is essential for personal growth. Identifying one’s flaws and strengths can help to improve oneself.

Admitting Wrongs

Involves confessing these flaws to oneself, a higher power, and another person, fostering transparency and humility.

Ready for Removal of Defects

Shows willingness to have these character defects removed, signaling readiness for change.

Asking Higher Power to Remove Shortcomings

Involves a humble request to a higher power to remove these defects, emphasizing reliance on spiritual strength.

Making a List of Amends

This entails listing those harmed by one’s actions and being willing to make amends, addressing the consequences of addiction.

Direct Amends

Involves making direct amends wherever possible, promoting healing and restitution.

Continued Personal Inventory

Encourages ongoing self-reflection and admitting wrongs, ensuring personal accountability.

Seeking Through Prayer and Meditation

Suggests improving conscious relations with a higher power through prayer and meditation, enhancing spiritual growth.

Carrying the Message to Others

Involves helping others who have an addiction, extending the support and understanding received.

Integrating the 12 Steps in Treatment

Integrating the 12 Steps program, Opus Health combines this structured, spiritual framework with evidence-based therapies and support systems for a holistic approach to recovery. This method addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions, offering a comprehensive pathway for individuals battling addiction.

Integrating the 12 Steps with clinical therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) ensures participants benefit from psychological treatment alongside personal growth through the 12 Steps, enhancing overall recovery.

Group meetings are pivotal, providing a community for individuals to share experiences and challenges. These sessions extend beyond discussing the steps, including coping strategies, relapse prevention, emotional regulation, and fostering a mutual support network.

Personal counseling allows a more profound exploration of the 12 Steps, offering a space for reflection and addressing specific issues confidentially. Counselors guide participants to incorporate these principles into their recovery plans.

Supporting spiritual growth, practices like meditation and mindfulness help participants explore their spiritual journey within the 12 Steps framework.

Recognizing the journey doesn’t end with initial recovery, aftercare programs continue applying the 12 Steps in daily life, providing ongoing support for navigating post-treatment challenges.

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What Our Clients Have To Say


Contact Us Today

The 12 Steps program offers a transformative journey for those in addiction recovery, addressing not just the physical of addiction but also nurturing mental and spiritual growth. Through a blend of clinical therapies, supportive community networks, and individual counseling, Opus Health guides participants toward holistic healing. Opus Health encourages you to contact us for more information or to join the program. Embrace the opportunity for transformation and begin the journey towards a renewed life with Opus Health.


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