
Types of Orange County Addiction Outreach

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Orange County іѕ knоwn fоr іtѕ bеаutіful bеасhеѕ and lаіd bасk сulturе, аѕ wеll аѕ fоr bеіng thе bіrthрlасе оf іnnоvаtіоn іn mаnу modern іnduѕtrіеѕ. Cоmbіnе аll thаt wіth ѕоmе оf thе wоrld’ѕ mоѕt truѕtеd nаmеѕ іn аddісtіоn rеhаb and іt’ѕ nо wоndеr ѕо mаnу реорlе сhооѕе Orange County, California as a place to focus on their recovery. In thіѕ аrtісlе, we’ll dіѕсuѕѕ Orange County addісtіоn outrеасh and treatment programs.

What Are the Most Common Drug Addictions in Orange County?

Alcoholism in Orange County, CA

Not to say that alcoholism is solely a Southern California issue (obviously, it’s everywhere), but in a relatively large county that glamorizes bar hopping, “Boujee” events, and underage drinking it’s not surprising OC is spread with alcohol addiction.
Luckily, Orange County is one of the regions in the Western U.S. that has seemingly unlimited options for alcoholism recovery and treatment. SAMHSA’s resource website (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) lists hundreds of options in their directory for alcohol and drug addiction recovery.
 Medically-supervised alcohol detox can be a life-saving option during alcoholism recovery. Since alcohol takes a toll on the kidneys and the body, detoxing from heavy alcohol abuse can be dangerous and cause severe side effects. Therefore it’s important to know where to find the proper medical support during the initial detox for alcohol recovery.

Teen Drug Abuse

Many teens begin using drugs or alcohol as early as high school or middle school. When teens begin using or abusing drugs early, they’re prone to continue their unhealthy behaviors into adulthood. Additionally, drug abuse makes it difficult to perform in school, work, and family life.
Untreated addictions from a young age can lead to unhealthy habits and destructive behaviors. Teen drug abuse in Orange County statistically shows that high school students on average abuse alcohol, marijuana, and codeine cough medicine (slang term “lean”) most commonly in large volumes. The Orange County Health Care Foundation reported in 2018 that around 1 out of every 3 11th graders admitted having used alcohol or codeine to get high at least four or more times in their life.

Adolescent Marijuana Use and Treatment in Orange County, CA

With  Marijuana laws changing so rapidly in California, Orange County teens have easier accessibility and a more casual viewpoint of the over-consumption of cannabis products. In fact, studies have shown cannabis abuse can cause setbacks in the developing teenage brain. It also is known for decreasing motivation and sometimes even cyclical vomiting syndrome is used heavily.
In Newport Beach alone, nearly 254,000 teenagers aged 12 to 18 use marijuana on a monthly basis. The OC Public Health page has many programs in place that address teen drug abuse and seek to spread awareness of the dangers that come with addiction.
Along with prevention, there is a wide range of treatment centers and Orange County addiction outreach specifically aimed at minors addicted to drugs or alcohol. You can find resources specifically for teens here.

Orange County Addiction Outreach Programs

Since Orange County has many treatment centers throughout, there’s no shortage of specific types of treatment you or a loved one might need. Whether it be Medication-Assisted Treatment(MAT), men’s opioid addiction recovery, women’s recovery for new moms, or co-occurring disorder recovery, there is a facility for any need.
Both inpatient and outpatient programs exist for individualized addiction treatment. Some government-funded programs also exist but expect there to be some wait time with these types of programs. If you have insurance you will have many options for local Orange County addiction outreach and treatment programs, such as  Opus Health in Newport Beach, CA.

Orange County Addiction Treatment Program Features:

  • Assessments for what level of care you need
  • Individual therapy 
  • Group counseling, and maybe family or couples counseling
  • Medical evaluation
  • Detox
  • Regular doctor visits
  • Medication management (if necessary)
  • Routine psychiatric evaluations, especially of dual diagnosis
  • General education, public information
  • Health coaching
  • Support group sponsorship
  • and more.

Types of Orange County Addiction Outreach

Residential Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Residential programs mean you stay on-site to live for a short or extended period of time while you focus on the first initial stages of your recovery. Most facilities have private rooms, 24/7 nurses and doctors, a comforting layout, appealing scenery, and regular active recreational options.
Treatment stays at residential facilities usually range from 30 to 90 days. But there are options to stay longer if necessary. This is a great option for anyone looking to fully dive into their recovery and get away from the usual drug or alcohol triggers of daily life.

Family Therapy and Intervention

For anyone in the family who needs help confronting or finding a treatment plan for their loved one struggling with addiction, there are many Orange County addiction outreach teams.
Oftentimes, family and friends of an addicted person need help and emotional support, too. Family therapy can help everyone understand the addiction disease and the underlying effects it takes on the whole family unit.
Many treatment plans include family visits and therapy sessions. This is part of the recovery process and most good and reputable treatment centers will take the incentive to welcome family into the recovery process as much as possible.


man on phone lonely

Couples Therapy

Again, the family is a relevant part of one’s recovery from addiction. Similarly, so are intimate relationships. Whatever one person in a relationship battles, it affects the other person, too. Many times codependency runs in a relationship when addiction is involved, so addressing the boundaries and reaching an understanding of the recovery process is crucial.

Addiction Treatment

This one is obvious: addiction treatment is necessary for recovery! In Orange County, any trustworthy treatment center will follow a similar treatment protocol. However, each individual has their own needs so Incidental Medical Services (IMS) treatment should be considered.
The science of substance abuse and addiction is constantly evolving. This means various approaches are used as an evidence-based treatments for addiction continue to change.
Detox is the first part of addiction treatment. Many treatment centers use medically-supervised detox to avoid any complications. The body needs time and care to fully detoxify drugs from the body. With the help of medical staff, the process can feel a lot smoother.

There are many addiction treatment centers in Orange County but there are few that approach recovery in a holistic, or “whole person” approach. At Opus Health we believe every person is a “whole” self. Recovery involves not only the body but also the mind, soul, family, and community of a person. This is why we value IMS protocol and include group therapy as well as individualized medication monitoring if needed.
To maintain lifelong recovery, addiction treatment is only the first step. We know it can actually be the hardest step. You need someone to meet you where you’re at. No matter what you’ve been through or how lost it might make you feel.
No matter what your story is or how hopeless you might feel, our Opus Health Orange County addiction outreach and treatments offer top-quality care with professional staff who have been where you’re at. Give us a call today if you want to start your new life free from drugs and alcohol.
If you need help with overcoming addiction, call Opus Health at 949-625-4019.

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A photo of the Opus Health Rehab Detox Center logo.