Drug Rehab Community

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A large percentage of the population in the city is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse. Over 40 million people, is a major state struggling with alcohol addiction. Half the population above the age of 12 consume alcohol on a regular basis. So it’s no surprise that drug rehab centers are a popular option for treatment.
 Thousands of addicts join addiction treatment centers. In 2012, more than 14,000 addicts joined rehab centers
The substances most abused include meth, marijuana, heroin, and alcohol. However, treatment centers are dealing with all forms of drug addiction. Better yet, the treatment centers cater to people with different budgets – from luxury rehab centers to small state-funded centers.

Benefits of Rehab

Rehab centers present a new environment for those recovering from addiction. In the rehab center, an addict not only detoxes and goes through therapy but also avoids triggers that could make them relapse to old unhealthy habits. For someone who has taken drugs for a long time, stopping will take more than a decision to quit – the cravings accompanied by withdrawal will make most people relapse, which is what addiction treatment centers prevent. Below are a few benefits of being in a rehab center:

Drug-Free and Safe Environment:

In a rehab center, you not only receive professional counseling and drugs to manage withdrawal but you are also blocked off from access to drugs. This is especially important for inpatient treatment, where you do not leave the center until you have almost fully recovered. During treatment, you might receive medication to help reduce cravings or to manage a mental health issue.

Avoid Triggers:

You cannot fully recover in the same environment where you once used drugs. In such an environment, you will have friends, situations, emotions, and things that make you want to go back to using. In a recovery center, you will have none of that. Instead, you will focus on getting better. Again, during treatment, the doctors and support staff will teach you how to identify and avoid triggers.

Quit Drugs for Good:

The main advantage of rehab over other methods of addiction management is that you can identify issues that drove you to addiction. Some addicts suffer co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and depression that cause them to relapse. If these issues are not addressed during recovery, you might keep relapsing. In a treatment center, you learn new skills to cope with these underlying issues.

Peer Support:

Unlike recovering at home, in a rehab center, you meet people dealing with the same situation as you. These people understand you – you can share experiences and bounce ideas off them, which will help you recover fast. Peer support programs and group therapy feel less lonely than recovering at home. These programs are offered in all drug treatment centers

Drug Use  is on the Rise

 However, in the recent past, meth seems to be coming back. Each year, the authorities seize more meth from locals. In 2015, the police seized 14,732 pounds of meth. Besides meth, other drugs smuggled include cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. If you or anyone you care about is addicted to any of the drugs above or even alcohol, they can get help at any licensed treatment centers. Most addiction treatment centers treat meth, heroin, and marijuana addiction.

San Diego drug rehab

Why Finding a Sober Community During Rehab Is So Important

A sober community helps you recover fully after addiction treatment. It is also in a sober community where a recovering addict can transition from life in the captivity of addiction to being back in society. Most sober homes give you access to peer support, where you meet other people who have gone through the same treatment as you. You will have a chance to share experiences with peers, which will further help you during recovery.
In recovery residences, some rules expose those recovering to a structured way of life. The structure in a sober community lets you continue attending aftercare services such as AA meetings and also gain discipline you might have lost during addiction.

Addiction Treatment Services and Support Groups

The County Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Division provides treatment options for alcohol and other drugs. The county offers various services in its AOD services including: 

  • Inpatient and outpatient treatment for adolescents and adults
  • Medical detoxification 
  • DUI programs
  • Women’s treatment
  • HIV testing and counseling
  • Prevention programs

The BHS division contracts local treatment centers allowing them to offer low-cost treatment, prevention, intervention, and recovery services. Even if you are not able to pay, you will still join a rehab community somewhere within 100 miles of you. You can also use Medi-Cal and Medicaid Program

What If You Can’t Find a Drug Rehab?

You cannot find an addiction rehab center that suits your needs, there are other nearby options! Cities like  Orange County offer excellent treatment programs, both inpatient and outpatient. The OC also has a thriving addiction recovery support community for any walk of life. Orange County is a good option for many people who need recovery because it’s not too far away like Los Angeles, but it’s still far enough that you can’t meet up with old dealers or buddies who might tempt you back into drugs.

Where to Find the Help You Need for Recovery

The increase in alcohol, meth, fentanyl and other opioids used has resulted in an increase in the number of addiction treatment centers. Irrespective of your ability to pay, you will be able to join a community. Of course, there are luxury addiction treatment centers where you can enjoy all the luxury you need as you get treatment. Alternatively, there are affordable inpatient programs and sober living homes all throughout the state.
A facility like Opus Health  is an example of a smaller but more community-based treatment center. We also have sober housing available after detox and treatment. We help adult men and women get sober after long-term addictions of all substance types.
If you need help, reach out to Opus Health today and get the professional care you truly need on your way to sobriety.
If you need help with overcoming addiction, call Opus Health at 855-953-1345

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A photo of the Opus Health Rehab Detox Center logo.