Statistics of Alcohol Rehab: Newport Beach

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Newport beach is a populated beach city in southern California that is home to over 85,000 residents. Next to the Pacific Coast Highway of the California coast, the area is frequently visited by people of all places and walks of life. When it comes to looking for a reputable alcohol rehab Newport Beach, CA is a beautiful place to explore your options. Why is Opus Health one of the many alcohol rehab centers in Newport Beach, CA?
Psychologists have understood the negative effects cloudy weather can have on people who live in foggy climates of cooler, coastal cities like Seattle, WA. On the other hand, there are significant stats claiming the opposite (positive!) effect year-round sunny weather can have on people in places like Los Angeles, Denmark, and Hawaii. The sunny environment of Newport Beach, California is covered in many supportive recovery communities, sober living homes, and group meetings– not to mention drug and alcohol rehabs.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Newport Beach, CA

Anyone fighting a chemical dependence on drugs or alcohol knows how difficult it can be to quit at home and alone. Drug and alcohol addiction is no joke. From the gnarliest stimulant drugs like meth to the more seemingly “tamer” substances like occasional alcohol binge, any struggle with addiction can take over one’s entire life.

Luckily, we know several professional addiction treatment programs throughout the area that help save lives all year long. We at Opus Health are in one of the best spots in Newport Beach, CA serving evidence-based treatment for alcohol abuse, dual diagnosis, and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT).
Orange County has been one of the major cities in the nation that sees soaring statistics for substance abuse– whether it be opioids, alcohol, or even marijuana (though it’s legal now, there are some dependency issues growing). Addiction treatment services and alcohol rehab in Newport Beach, CA are vast because of the patterns and trends of addiction that continue. 

Orange County Substance Abuse Statistics: 

  • On average, over 1,1000 people die from a drug overdose each year.
  • Over 25% of these deaths were from alcohol abuse. 
  • More than 65% of yearly overdose deaths are related to the abuse of opioids and prescription drugs. 
  • 1.5 MILLION opioid prescriptions have been written every year since 2017, and that number is only growing. 
  • The issue of the “sober living dance” has received much attention in Orange County, CA. 
  • At the end of 2018, there was an estimated double amount of unlicensed sober living houses compared to the 1,028 licensed drug rehab facilities, which state officials have addressed with much desire to change. 

alcohol rehab newport beach
Because the area is so ideal for vacationing and leisure, of course, there are many places in Newport Beach that draw in a party scene. Bars, drug dealers, clubs, and entertainment venues scale the city line and even surrounding cities so it’s easy to fall into the trap of drugs and alcohol.
On the other hand, there are many safe places to combat the issue because there is an understanding of such a wide range of tempting recreational nightlife. Sober living homes, AA meetings, and a growing sober curious community can be found all over Orange County.

Should I Travel to Newport Beach for Alcohol Rehab?

Whether or not you feel a need to travel outside of your hometown for recovery programs to treat alcohol addiction is a personal decision. Many people find it helpful to leave their home or their comfortable space in order to fully commit to sobriety with zero distractions. Others think it will be more realistic for them to stay surrounded by friends or family in their surrounding area.
Inpatient, gender-specific treatment centers are an excellent option if you want to dive into what a successful long-term recovery could be. Professionals including psychologists, nurses, and support staff (many of whom have been through recovery themselves) are available to help guide you through detox, withdrawal, and beyond.
There are also intensive outpatient programs you can be a part of if you already live in the Newport Beach area and find it possible to continue with responsibilities like work, family, or school. Outpatient is usually for people who are high-functioning addicts or have mild substance abuse.

Medically-Supported Detox and treatment are a good option if you or your loved one have a mental illness that coincides with a substance use disorder. These are called co-occurring disorders, and they are actually a lot more common than many people think.
Even if your situation seems like the worst possible scenario, recovery is possible for anyone if they commit to working through all that comes up in addiction recovery. We at Opus Health have seen many adult men grow into living fulfilling, sober lives and staying clean for the long term.
If you or a loved one needs help finding an alcohol rehab in Newport Beach, CA, call us right now at 855-953-1345.

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