Vivitrol, a brand-name medication containing the active drug naltrexone, serves as a crucial component in the treatment of alcohol use disorder and opioid use disorder. This prescription injectable is used in opioid-dependence treatments to help prevent opioid relapses and manage cravings for alcohol and cravings for opioids.
Functioning as a medication-assisted treatment, Vivitrol addresses the treatment of alcohol dependence and opioid withdrawal symptoms. This injectable medicine is administered once-monthly in a medical facility under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional. Patients must complete opioid detoxification before receiving a Vivitrol injection to prevent sudden opioid withdrawal and severe injection reactions.
Vivitrol shots primarily focus on reducing alcohol cravings, suppressing the urge to drink, and preventing dependence on opioids after detox. This long-term treatment is effective in opioid-dependence treatments and helps avoid long-term opioid use. However, those receiving Vivitrol may experience negative side effects, including muscle cramps, stomach cramps, joint pain, and muscle aches. Common side effects also include cold symptoms, runny nose, goose bumps, cold flushes, and painful joints. Some patients may develop injection site reactions, such as a dark scab or intense pain in the stomach area.
Repetitive exposure to opioid drugs, opioid-containing medicines, or behaviors that release endorphins can evolve into addiction, leading to physical dependence and symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Recognizing addiction as a diagnosable disease, professionals employ evidence-based programs, often incorporating Vivitrol treatment, counseling, and psychosocial addiction support.
Vivitrol, an injectable form of active medication naltrexone, helps manage dependence on opioid by reducing opioid cravings and blocking the effects of opioids. Before receiving Vivitrol, individuals must undergo a naloxone challenge to determine if they have untreated opioid dependence. Those with a positive opioid urine screen or opioids in amounts still present in their system may experience acute opioid withdrawal, which can include stomach area pain, muscle twitches, dark urine, and chest pain.
Upon Vivitrol’s wearing off, attempting to use opioids poses a substantial risk of accidental overdose, particularly with street drugs and illicit doses.
Subcutaneous Vivitrol administration carries the risk of infection. Vigilant monitoring for signs of severe pain, swelling, lumps, blisters, or open wounds at the injection site is imperative.
The primary active ingredient in Vivitrol may potentially cause liver issues. Continuous monitoring by medical professionals is essential to detect and prevent liver damage or hepatitis.
As an opioid agonist, Vivitrol binds to the body’s type of opioid receptors without inducing typical effects of drugs such as pain relief or euphoria. This formulation of naltrexone blocks the effects of opioids, preventing individuals from experiencing the usual opioid pain medicines or prescription pain medicines effects.
Administered as a once-monthly Vivitrol injection into the muscles, the form of naltrexone takes immediate effect and lasts for a period of time. Before receiving the shot, individuals must be opioid-free for 7 to 14 days or have completed treatment for alcohol detox to avoid acute opioid withdrawal. Taking Vivitrol while opioids remain in the system may lead to severe reactions requiring hospitalization and emergency medical intervention. Those with opioid dependence should undergo a naloxone challenge or opioid urine screen to ensure safety.
The medical team at Opus Health is authorized to prescribe and administer Vivitrol for alcohol dependence and dose for opioid dependence. The injection is provided in an outpatient setting by a licensed healthcare provider to monitor symptoms during treatment and prevent medical emergency cases. Due to adverse effects, only healthcare professionals can administer the shot to reduce risk of overdose. While not a substitute for traditional treatment modalities, Vivitrol is an effective medication when combined with mental health therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mental condition counseling, and group therapy. Opus Health’s treatment plan includes education on the effects of opioids, coping strategies, and relapse prevention.
Vivitrol serves as a vital tool in combatting alcohol and opioid addiction, working as an opioid antagonist under strict medical supervision. Integrated into comprehensive treatment programs, such as those at Opus Health, it enhances long-term recovery prospects. However, its effectiveness is maximized when combined with other therapies, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to addiction treatment.
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