
Couples Focused Addiction Treatment Programs: Part of a Holistic Approach

couples focused treatements

A couples focused treatment program is part of a holistic approach to addiction treatment. This approach is used to treat the entire person and every aspect of their life, not just addiction. In this type of therapy, the addict and their spouse or lover attend sessions to learn healthier communication styles, process anger in healthy ways and develop effective strategies for handling stress, In addition to each being treated individually for their addiction struggles.

 For individuals who are in a relationship with someone who is struggling with addiction, mutual participation in a couples-focused treatment program can provide the additional support you need to overcome your partner’s addiction, as well as your challenges and obstacles.

Data suggests that relational factors, including marital status and the presence of children, are correlated with both drug or alcohol abuse or dependence and an increased probability of relapse (McCrady, 2004 ). Couples therapy creates a unique treatment environment where the partners interact and respond to each other’s addictions. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration study reports that individuals in couples counseling programs experience more positive results from their treatment programs than those who don’t receive couples counseling. 


10 Benefits of Couples Focused Treatment Programs

Couples can benefit from an addiction treatment program for their partner, as well as themselves. Some of the benefits for individuals include better communication skills, strengthened family relationships, reduced stress levels, and increased holding partner's handunderstanding of each other. Addiction treatment programs also lead to more successful outcomes and to couples being more proactive on their sobriety.

There are numerous benefits of couples therapy that include:


1. Understanding how to resolve conflicts in a healthy manner

A successful couples addiction treatment program will address how to resolve disputes healthily and be supportive during their partner’s recovery period. Couples need to focus on restoring their connections with each other, strengthening their ties through sharing quality time, and avoiding any behavior that would disrupt their progress.


2. The development of communication skills that will foster a healthy relationship

Couples learn how to build healthy communication skills that will be crucial in the future. It is vital to discover more beneficial ways of communicating. The best part is, the couple learns how to communicate effectively even during difficult times when they feel upset, angry, or hurt.


3. Learning how to be assertive without being offensive

The main objective of relationship counseling is to address the areas where one or more partners may have been victimized and emotionally and physically abused. Setting boundaries and learning assertiveness in real life is another part of the process.


4. Learning how to express one’s needs without resentment or anger

The principal aim of an inpatient couple’s treatment program is to teach both members of a relationship to learn how to express their needs and feelings without resentment or anger. Couples therapy teaches partners what they can do to meet their own needs and gain a sense of independence while helping each other develop self-respect, emotional well-being, intimacy, and trust.


5. Learning acceptance and forgiveness

The most successful relationships are rooted in trust and forgiveness. Without these crucial components, the feel of the relationship and the functionality of the partnership wither away. A couples addiction treatment program can restore these valuable elements and renew your bond as a couple.


6. Processing and working through unresolved issues

Couples therapy sessions provide spouses with a therapeutic environment, providing them with an opportunity to learn new coping methods better with their addictions and communicate effectively. It offers the chance to process and work through unresolved issues and discover new behaviors that will allow you to feel confident in your healthy relationship.


7.  A deeper understanding of oneself and one’s partner

Couples therapy is an emotionally focused therapy that helps you understand each other’s addictive behaviors, emotional responses, and thoughts about the addiction. It can help couples learn about each other and themselves and give them tools for their future together.


8. The ability to address and work through a crisis

Therapists design couples-focused treatment programs to focus on the healing of both partners through a crisis (e.g., the death of an important family member); this enablescouple holding hands both of you to cope with the issues you face together and grow as a couple or individually after returning home.


9. Increased honesty and trust

Part of the success of a couples addiction treatment program is the work that an individual does to conquer his or her past addictions. They’re learning to become honest and genuine with themselves and others. Through this healing process, they discover the trust and respect they lack in their relationship with their loved ones.


10. The development of a supportive environment

A couples addiction treatment program brings partners together to work through past and present issues in a supportive environment and gain tools for creating healthier relationships. The successful completion of a couples addiction treatment program can be a defining moment when partners learn to avoid isolation and apathy.


Successful treatment of addiction is possible only with the help and support of a partner in recovery. Partner-focused addictions therapy can help address unhealthy relational patterns and move towards greater intimacy, harmony, and trust. The help that partners receive in a couples-focused addiction program is critical to the success of addiction treatment. At Opus Health, we have helped many spouses, significant others, and romantic partners overcome the many challenges accompanying such a challenging time.

You and your partner can  overcome addiction together. Rewire your brain with a couples treatment program lead by our addiction specialists. Call today for sessions that will nurture your recovery and strengthen your bond.

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