
My 90 Day Rehab Experience

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One of the biggest questions we hear from people thinking about addiction treatment  and their families is what they can expect. What is it like to go to treatment, especially a more extended day program like a 90-day rehab?

The sense of uncertainty and not being sure of what to expect can be one of the things that hold people back from getting the treatment they desperately need. 

Our goal is to guide you through this time that can feel scary and uncertain and help you better understand what programs are like, whether it’s a 90-day rehab, a 60-day drug rehab program, or a 30-day rehab.

What is a Typical Day in Rehab?

If it’s a 30-day rehab or a 90-day program, some of the things that you might expect at a residential treatment center include the following:

  • The environment will be safe, calm, and structured. The goal is to reduce uncertainty, so there is a lot of structure. Your treatment team also wants to create a space that’s conducive to healing and recovery.
  • You will get up early in the morning to begin your therapy and activities. One of the big goals of any treatment program is to help promote healthy new habits. These habits will become part of your routine going forward.
  • After you wake up, your morning might include meditation or yoga; you could then begin a group therapy session. Group therapy is led by a counselor and will often focus on a particular topic relevant to recovery. Your group therapy might be like a 12-step program. You’ll work with your support group to recognize your negative patterns of behavior.
  • Mid-day is usually when you’ll do some of your most rigorous therapy. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy is often considered one of the most effective individual behavioral therapies in addiction treatment. When you participate in CBT, you learn about your behavioral responses to triggers. 
  • After identifying your potentially harmful responses, your therapist can help you learn how to respond in a healthier, more productive way. You can build life skills that you’ll use long after your treatment program ends. 
  • Afternoons in inpatient treatment might also include more group therapy.
  • If needed, some of your schedule in a drug rehab program could include specialized individual therapy. Specialized therapy might consist of grief counseling or anger management, as examples.
  • Family therapy is sometimes part of a treatment program. Addiction affects everyone in a family and often leads to issues like anger, resentment, and codependency. During family therapy, you can learn open communication and begin to repair damaged relationships.
  • Some programs, depending on your treatment plan, will include alternative therapy. Alternative therapy might mean exercise, equine therapy, art or music therapy, or biofeedback.
  • There will be some free time in your treatment program, and during that time, you might journal, spend time on your own, or engage in activities with other residents.
  • During the evenings in a rehab facility, you might participate in another group session, like a 12-step program.
  • You’re encouraged to go to bed at a healthy hour in a residential program because sleep is critical for your recovery and mental and physical well-being.

If you go to an intensive outpatient treatment program for substance use disorders instead of residential treatment, you’ll do many of the same things listed above, but return to your home when you finish. 

What Are the Benefits of 90 Day Rehabs?

When you decide to get addiction treatment, you have many options, including how long and what your program will be . Extended care 90-day rehab is considered the gold standard in addiction treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, for a few key reasons.

First, studies show that you’re more likely to relapse if you stay in rehab for less than 90 days. The longer you say in treatment, in general, the more relapse rates go down. 

Other benefits of 90-day rehab include:

  • When you have a more extended stay, you can focus more on your recovery in an in-depth way while you’re in a safe environment. If you go to a 30-day rehab, you’re focused on your medical detox and withdrawal symptoms during the first week or even two weeks, and then you need to transition and get your bearings.  
  • During the last week, you may be distracted with your plans to leave. A 30-day program doesn’t leave much time to get deep into what you need to address for a healthy recovery. A more extended program is more comprehensive and immersive and helps you escape distractions more.
  • A long-term recovery program for severe addictions helps you develop the skills you’re going to need when you leave treatment. For example, you can build conflict resolution skills and learn how to deal with interpersonal relationships.
  • There are more treatment options for co-occurring disorders in 90-day rehab programs compared to a 60-day program or 30-day rehab program. 
  • You may need a longer stay in a treatment center to get away from the stress of your daily life and begin the recovery process. 
  • Giving yourself a full 90 days helps your brain truly reset, and you can begin to change your habits. You’ll be better prepared to put your aftercare plan in place after a long time in treatment. 

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Of course, a 90-day treatment program isn’t suitable for everyone, and there are downsides.

The cost is the biggest con of a long rehab, and you may not be able to take that much time away from work or family responsibilities. An outpatient program may be the only option for some people because of family commitments or restrictions from insurance companies. Longer-term treatment services do come with higher costs. 

Any treatment is better than none, even if you can’t do sober living or long-term treatment. There are also intensive treatment programs that take place on an outpatient basis. 

Are Shorter Rehabs Worth It?

While 90 days of treatment might be ideal for some people, that doesn’t mean shorter terms like 30-day rehab or 60-day drug rehab programs aren’t also beneficial.

Short-term rehab programs offer the chance to take a step back from everything that’s happening and figure out where you want to go moving forward.

Short-term drug addiction treatment programs are a better fit into a busy schedule, and practicality is something you must consider when choosing treatment. Insurance coverage is another reason to go with a shorter treatment stay. Some insurance providers won’t pay for longer stays at treatment facilities. 

If it’s your first time seeking treatment, a short-term program may be sufficient for your needs, whereas if you’ve previously gone to rehab centers and relapsed, a long-term program could be better. If you have a severe or long-term history of drug or alcohol abuse, a more extended program may also fit your needs better.

Individualized Treatment is Most Important

No matter the length of the drug or alcohol rehab program you choose, the biggest priority is making sure it’s a tailored program that looks at you as an individual. An effective rehab program needs a level of care to address your needs holistically. You need to find a program to delve into underlying mental health issues contributing to your addiction and look beyond labels.

Look for an evidence-based treatment program that relies on existing research and scientific principles when treating addiction.

If you have questions about what your rehab experience might look like, whether it’s 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days, we encourage you to contact the team at Opus Health by calling 855-953-1345. We can help you learn more about the available options and how you can choose a program that will fit into your needs and help you move toward recovery.

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